Relish Connecticut's Bounty Al's Hot Dog Stand, Naugatuck April 2022 Al's closed in February 2024 to make way for an expanded gas station. I started "completing" the Roadfood "Eat Before You Die" list what? a decade ago? I actually plowed through the 60 or so places that was still open and then Michael and … [Read more...]
Hot Dogs at Top Dog
Top of Da Food Chain! Top Dog, Portland We have arrived at the very last and final hot dog on the Sterns' Roadfood "Eat Before it's too Late" list. There are sixteen hot dogs on the list. And that's absurd. Fortunately (unfortunately?), three of the places on the list were closed by the time I got around … [Read more...]
Hot dogs at Mr. Mac’s Canteen
Miggedy-Miggedy-Miggedy Mac Mr. Mac’s Canteen Monroe "We deep fry our hotdogs and then roll them on the grill, crisp, and put them on a fresh toasted, grilled roll," says Jeffrey McFadden, co-owner of Mr. Mac's Canteen (in a now dead link from the Courant.) And so, as I near the end of this epic multi-year … [Read more...]
Hot Dog at Lake Zoar Drive-In
Me Hungry. ZOOOOOAAARRR! Lake Zoar Drive-In Monroe It has been a couple years since I’ve been able to enjoy a new Roadfood “Eat Before You Die” entry. Oh sure, I’ve had plenty of repeat items over that time, but no new ones. So when I figured I could scoot out to Stevenson – part of Monroe that refuses … [Read more...]
Hot Dog at Chez Lenard
Martha Stewart is a Horrible Woman Chez Lenard, Ridgefield Martha Stewart is a polarizing figure to say the least. Some people simply love her and her over-the-top advice. Others hate her for the very same. I always felt her insider trading jail sentence was ridiculous – all the more so now with what the Wall … [Read more...]
Hotdogs at Carolyn’s Weenie Wagon (Closed)
See More Weenies! Carolyn’s Weenie Wagon, Seymour Carolyn's Weenie Wagon closed in 2015. For a guy who really doesn’t eat meat, let alone mysterious hot dog “meat,” I sure do love hot dogs. I’ve become sort of grateful that the Stern’s felt the need to include so many hot dogs on their “Eat Before You Die” … [Read more...]
Brats and Kielbasa at Windmill Tavern
I’m All Wound Up The Windmill Tavern, Stratford Writing this site has led me to a whole slew of fascinating places. Some have been hidden off in the woods and some have been in the dingy bowels of churches. The Windmill in Stratford, however, stands alone. I loved it – really and truly – but that doesn’t make it … [Read more...]
Hot Dogs at (New) Guida’s
Worth a Hike to Get Here 484 Meriden Rd., Middlefield I went to lunch at Guida’s (now officially called New Guida’s) towards the tail-end of an all-day weekday CTMQ day. I was pretty worn out but also pretty darn hungry. I was actually excited for my 10-inch hot dog. Guida’s is one of the rare Roadfood … [Read more...]
Hot Dogs at JK’s Original (Closed)
I Got Me a Nice Wiener (J/K) 126 South St, Danbury After nearly 100 years, JK's Closed in October 2022. The Roadfood hot dog slog continues… So. Many. Hot dogs. Going to 700 museums and hiking 100's and 100's of miles of trails in Connecticut seems easy in comparison. But I signed up for this and I will see it … [Read more...]
A Wiener in Mianus
I Had to Have a Wiener in Mianus [With apologies to Jackass and others who have previously documented this same experience.] I just spent an entire day with my friend Rob C doing CTMQ things in Greenwich and Stamford. We saw a bunch of museums and several other types of things you’ve come to expect from this … [Read more...]