The Walls and Caves of Jericho Watertown, 3.4 miles (one way) May 18, 2009 I don't know how or why this trail got the name "Jericho," but I'm sure it goes back a ways in our history... The area probably named by the Puritan Colonials. For as you know, the city of Jericho is described in the Hebrew Bible as the … [Read more...]
Days 2 & 3: Monaco & Nice, France
July 11 We hopped on a train in Nice that took us over to Monte Carlo so we could do some cheap shopping. Ha. In reality, we hoofed it up the steep hill overlooking town to the Monaco exotic garden and cave. While this isn't on most Monte Carlo itineraries, it should be as it was awesome. Here's a video of the … [Read more...]
Quinebaug Trail
Make That "QuineBOG" Trail Griswold, Plainfield & Voluntown 8.1 miles December 14, 2008 2019 Update: These eastern Connecticut trails are a mess. I say that with love, but writing about them in a way that is readable is difficult. I have completed the short newer stretch out to route 14A, but I still have a … [Read more...]
Mattabesett Trail: Section 9
Section 9: I'll Be Mattabe-Seein' Ya Bear Hill Road - River Road (Eastern Terminus), 4.9 Miles November 9, 2008 Since this was hiked and written, the Kleen Energy plant has been built near the terminus and the trail has been rerouted/shorted a bit. It no longer has the road walk at the end. This is it. My … [Read more...]
Mattabesett Trail: Section 6
Section 6: That's Mica, alLedgedly Lone Pine Trailhead (east) - Harvey Road, 7.9 Miles September 1, 2008 This section has a fairly significant reroute between Mt. Pigah and Harvey Road. Another holiday weekend, another beautiful day here in Connecticut. Time to lace up the trail shoes, fill up the water … [Read more...]
Tory Den
TORY! TORY! TORY! Tory Den, Burlington April 20, 2008 See... Tora! Tora! Tora! is a 1970 American-Japanese film that dramatizes the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The title is made up of the code-words that were used by the Japanese to indicate that complete surprise was achieved (tora is Japanese for "tiger" … [Read more...]
Judges Cave
Not To Judge, But That's Not Really A Cave Per Se Judges Cave, New Haven January 13, 2008 Another old page that I should rewrite someday. At least there are some newer pictures of my family during a later visit. One thing is for certain here in Connecticut: We call things “caves” that are vastly different … [Read more...]
Metacomet Trail: Section 8
Section 8: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Rte 372, Plainville to Prattling Pond Road, Farmington, 6.3 miles October 6, 2007 Updated with reroute and in early 2018 The Metacomet Trail just gets better and better. Another perfect day for a hike with more surprises along this fascinating section. These include … [Read more...]
Will Warren’s Den
Will She Or Won't She? Will Warren's Den, Farmington October 6, 2007 I had heard of Will Warren's Den several times in a few different contexts over my years in Connecticut. Once Hoang and I agreed to complete the Metacomet Trail end-to-end, I knew I'd finally get to check it out. I guess you could say I was a … [Read more...]