Dreaming of a White People Christmas A Connecticut Christmas Caryn B. Davis, 2017 I'm sure half of you reading this expect mean ol' Steve to get all Grinchy about this book. Well, it's not going to happen. It's a lovely little book full of Christmassy photos and interesting little blurbs. Who doesn't love … [Read more...]
Book Review: Food Lovers’ Guide to Connecticut
Delicious Food Lovers' Guide to® Connecticut: The Best Restaurants, Markets & Local Culinary Offerings By Patricia Brooks, 2013 In a previous review of a similar book, I explained why I'd have difficulties writing a book. It had to do with my particular brain and how I'd hate to finish writing a book, waiting for … [Read more...]
Book Review: Connecticut Made
Made in the Shade (Tobacco State) Connecticut Made, 2016 By Cynthia Parzych This book is a perfectly fine book. It’s also (yet another) book that shines a light on one of the reasons I don’t write a book. You see, books like this are very temporal in nature. They have an expiration date; a short shelf life of … [Read more...]
Book Review: Classic Diners of Connecticut
Diners, Dives, and Drive-By's Classic Diners of Connecticut Garrison Leykam, 2013 Let's face it, diner culture is dying. Some have probably engraved the headstone already. It is for that reason that I decided to list and visit Connecticut's "classic" diners several years ago. My list has grown and shrunk over the … [Read more...]
Book Review: Yankee’s New England Adventure
Stone Crushed It Yankee’s New England Adventures Edited by Eric Lehman, 2018 Yeah, this book isn’t a Connecticut book per se, but it made it onto my radar simply because Connecticut writer extraordinaire Eric Lehman was in charge of editing it. I imagine that this was a nearly impossible task; distilling the … [Read more...]
Book Review: Connecticut Icons
I Think Icon Connecticut Icon By Charles Monagan This book could be so bad. Left to less capable hands, any book seeking to highlight those things and places around Connecticut that have reached “icon” status, could just be yet another listing of the same ol’, same ol’. Thankfully, Charles Monagan is one of those … [Read more...]
Book Review: Insiders’ Guide: Connecticut
Pssst! Come Inside… Insiders' Guide: Connecticut (2nd Edition, 2015) By Eric D. Lehman I know it’s weird that I review Connecticut travel guides. One could argue that you’re reading the best one that exists. (Although, if you wanted to put CTMQ in book form it would run several large volumes and be rather unwieldy … [Read more...]
Book Review: Connecticut Lore & More Connecticut Lore
This page contains the rare double book review. Tales to Tell Connecticut Lore By Zachary Lamothe 2013 I have this weird habit of reading lots of books about stuff in Connecticut. Sure, this makes sense on the surface. Heck, when I started out with this website, these types of guides and books were invaluable … [Read more...]
Book Review: 1,000 Places to See Before You Die: Essex!
No, Really! 1,000 Places to See Before You Die: Essex! We’ve all seen these “Before you Die” lists. They are fun until you start thinking about your own mortality and how little time you have left to get to the 1,000 places highlighted in the books. So I make it easy and stick to the Connecticut places I … [Read more...]