McDone Granby, ~3 miles, solo July 21, 2018 Y'know... I've given McLean the business over the last decade for some of their policies. Notably, that they "disallow" any trails to connect in to their property and trails. This is a terrible policy because McLean is literally surrounded by some incredible trailed … [Read more...]
Carpenter’s Falls
Couldn’t Build a Better Falls Carpenter’s Falls, Granby April 2018 As of this writing, I’m trying to sort out my “Complete Guide to Granby” and you may be surprised to learn there’s a lot going on here. At least for those of us who are into hiking and exploring the woods. I’ll spare you the confusion of it all … [Read more...]
Westledge Trail Falls
Falls Along Westledge Trail Unnamed/Northgate Falls, Simsbury October 2008 These falls are included in the new (2013) Connecticut Waterfalls guidebook, so I’m adding this page several years after visiting. And since I’m lazy, I’m not going to go find the CD that contains the original pictures to give you the … [Read more...]
Bears! In the Wild
This page has become sort of ridiculous, now that we have bears in our yard and neighborhood fairly frequently. But hey, it’s still different when I see them out on a hike, right? Right. Suffield Land Conservancy (SLC): Sydney F. Fuller Wildlife Preserve November 2017 I came across a mom and her two cubs... … [Read more...]
NNL: McLean Game Refuge
National Natural Landmark Granby & Simsbury Designation Date: 1973 McLean will always hold a special place in my heart. Not just because it’s beautiful and offers a lot in the way of hiking and such, but because it’s where I had my first face to face meeting with a mama bear and her cubs. I’d seen a few in the … [Read more...]
McLean Game Refuge (Eastern Region)
The Game Here is Hiking it All Efficiently - My Kinda Game! Simsbury/Granby, 9 trails, variable miles, solo October 13, 2008 [2018 Update: The CFPA/McLean have released updated maps which adds some of the trails I “found” and hiked below. I’m sure the blazes now also make more sense than described below. Just … [Read more...]
McLean Game Refuge (Western Region)
Great Hike? Or Greatest Hike? McLean Game Refuge (West), Simsbury & Granby October 2008 Note that this was written in 2008 and you're only getting tiny picture formats. Also, much has changed at McLean since that time. New Trails, retired trails, new trail blazing, and new attitude towards connecting trails. … [Read more...]
McLean Game Refuge Trails
McLean Game Refuge Simsbury/Granby, about 13 Miles total October 2008 & July 2018 One of the nicer and more popular hiking areas in north-central Connecticut, McLean has always been a bit of a bugaboo for me. It's creation and governance is a bit unique which figures heavily in my feelings towards it. In short, … [Read more...]