National Natural Landmark: Cathedral Pines Cornwall Designation Date: 1982 Most Connecticut citizens, when they think of pine trees, visualize a young pine tree of the kind ordinarily seen in nurseries or water company plantations. It will amaze such persons to see what the great pine trees of Connecticut really … [Read more...]
NNL: Beckley Bog
National Natural Landmark: Beckley Bog Norfolk Designation Date: 1977 I do not hesitate when asked what my favorite area of Connecticut is. While I love many diverse parts of the state from Stonington’s downtown borough to Yale’s historic buildings and New Canaan’s modernist neighborhoods, the extreme northwest … [Read more...]
NNL: Bingham Pond Bog
National Natural Landmark Bingham Pond Bog, Salisbury Designation Date: 1973 This serene pond in the extreme northwestern corner of the state is not just one of our 8 (at present) National Natural Landmarks, it also holds the equally impressive distinction of being the highest elevation pond in Connecticut. … [Read more...]
NNL: Chester Cedar Swamp
National Natural Landmark: Chester Cedar Swamp Chester Designation Date: 1973 Prior to this one, I’d only visited two other National Natural Landmarks. One was inside (Dinosaur Trackway in Rocky Hill) and the other has an extensive and well-maintained and documented trail system (McLean Game Refuge). This one, a … [Read more...]
NNL: McLean Game Refuge
National Natural Landmark Granby & Simsbury Designation Date: 1973 McLean will always hold a special place in my heart. Not just because it’s beautiful and offers a lot in the way of hiking and such, but because it’s where I had my first face to face meeting with a mama bear and her cubs. I’d seen a few in the … [Read more...]
NNL: Dinosaur Trackway
National Natural Landmark Rocky Hill Designation Date: 1968 Of all the nearly 600 National Natural Landmarks, very few are singular items like this. In fact, this one may be the smallest Landmark in the country. I'm guessing it is. The tracks are preserved at Dinosaur State Park and Museum which has a lot more … [Read more...]
National Stuff
CTMQ is Going National! (Not Really.) People don't think Connecticut has any national "stuff." But we do. Heck, we finally have a (sort of) national park now with Coltsville National Historical Park in Hartford. We also have our National Champion collegiate sports teams and trees and pizza of course. But what … [Read more...]
McLean Game Refuge (Eastern Region)
The Game Here is Hiking it All Efficiently - My Kinda Game! Simsbury/Granby, 9 trails, variable miles, solo October 13, 2008 [2018 Update: The CFPA/McLean have released updated maps which adds some of the trails I “found” and hiked below. I’m sure the blazes now also make more sense than described below. Just … [Read more...]
McLean Game Refuge (Western Region)
Great Hike? Or Greatest Hike? McLean Game Refuge (West), Simsbury & Granby October 2008 Note that this was written in 2008 and you're only getting tiny picture formats. Also, much has changed at McLean since that time. New Trails, retired trails, new trail blazing, and new attitude towards connecting trails. … [Read more...]