Ratchet Rachel Rachel, Rachel, 1968 I really didn't expect this to be such a weird movie. It's a pretty weird movie. But it was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, so once again I'm forced to admit I don't know much about film-making or movies in general. It was a small budget independent film; a rarity for a … [Read more...]
Auntie Mame (1958)
Auntie Awesome Auntie Mame, 1958 I love this movie. My wife loves this movie. If you don't at least like this movie, you are dead inside. And while it's only peripherally a "Connecticut movie," it's "Connecticutness" is enough to warrant a page on this website. It's a long movie with many twists and turns. … [Read more...]
Oscar Best Picture Winners & Nominees
Thanks Pandemic! Ranking Every Oscar Best Picture Winner & Nominee Ever Current Tally: 388/612 I am not a "movie guy" by any measure. There are years in my adult life during which I've never watched any movies. I am the guy who quietly slinks away when conversations turn to The Godfather or Casablanca, because … [Read more...]
Non-CT Travel, Hikes, Books, & Movies
Non-CTMQ Everything I Feel Like Chronicling Not in or Related to Connecticut I've resisted putting this together in some cohesive way for years. Many years. But as I've settled on the major sections of this website, I realized I have a few outlying subjects that simply never fit in elsewhere. Granted, many of these … [Read more...]