Cercis canadensis var. texensis, Texas Redbud Loomis-Chaffee School, Windsor I love this page and I love you for coming here to read it. Unfortunately, Loomis-Chaffee dug up this tree and trashed it in 2018. This National Champion tree. Shame on your Loomis. Shame. I wrote the following in 2013, before Loomis … [Read more...]
194. Tremaine Gallery at the Hotchkiss School
Beautiful Litchfield County Never Looked So Beautiful Salisbury (Google Maps location) October 9, 2010 I love Salisbury. In fact, I wouldn’t mind living up there at all. Oh sure, it’s pretentious and everyone drives Volvos and Audis, but that’s no different from where I live now in West Hartford. Salisbury is … [Read more...]
Oldest School for the Deaf in the US
American School for the Deaf West Hartford The American School for the Deaf (ASD) is the oldest permanent school for the deaf in the United States. What's more, the school became the first recipient of state aid to education in America when the Connecticut General Assembly awarded its first annual grant to the … [Read more...]
103. Cogswell Heritage House (ASD History Museum)
Deaf Jam West Hartford (Google Maps Location) May 28, 2009 2019 Update: I see that this place is now called The Alice Cogswell Heritage House. Certain museums give me that little burst that keeps me excited to continue this website. They are usually ones like this one: Small(ish), singularly devoted, … [Read more...]
83. Institute of Living Museum
Man, This Museum is Crazy! Hartford (Google Maps Location) January 26, 2009 This little museum has been on my radar since I began this blog. It's one of the first places I knew about that never turned up on any search engines no matter what criteria you used. I was proud of the fact that I was "in the know" … [Read more...]
80. Slater Memorial Art Museum
A Full Slater of Art Norwich (Google Maps Location) November 14, 2008 This place absolutely deserves a proper revisit, as they've updated the joint pretty significantly - and because this page doesn't capture the greatness of the Slater. The Slater Memorial Art Museum is a Connecticut Art Trail site Ahhh, my … [Read more...]