A, B, C! School - house 3! R-I-P! Avon (Google Maps location) February 2019 Connecticut museum visit #450. This was closed for decades but is reopening in July 2025 as an Avon History Museum. This museum will remain RIP for the foreseeable future. In the world of historical museums, progress can be quite slow. … [Read more...]
Pine Grove Schoolhouse
Pining For the Past Avon (Google Maps location) June 2019 Connecticut museum visit #436. Someone asked me the other day a question I love ("OMG! You read and care about CTMQ?!") and hate ("OMG! If I answer you honestly, you'll think I'm nuts!"). Part of the question was related to the whole "town completion" … [Read more...]
Goodwin Schoolhouse
It's a Bear of a Town East Hartford (Google Maps location) June 13, 2015 Good. You win. Winning is Good. And, somewhat oddly, there is more than one Goodwin school in East Hartford. And, to the best of my (20-second Googling) knowledge, none are historically related to the others. So if you’re here … [Read more...]
Green District Schoolhouse
Canterbury Tales Canterbury (Google Maps location) June 2019 There's a good chance that you are not familiar with Canterbury, Connecticut. And that's fine. I mean, it's not like it's home to one of the most important abolitionist educators that ever lived. Or was the birth - and final resting - place of the … [Read more...]
387. Harwinton Center Schoolhouse
HARdly Unique Harwinton (Google Maps location) June 9, 2018 Over the years of writing CTMQ, I’ve bored everyone to death about what defines a museum for me. I’ve never received push back on one-room schoolhouses, but I imagine some question them. Perhaps not so much their inclusion, but rather that I single them … [Read more...]
390. Center Schoolhouse (Burlington)
Burlington's Piece of the Pi Burlington (Google Maps location) June 9, 2018 As I was making my way to Burlington’s one-room schoolhouse, a friend was mocking me for going to places, eating things, and visiting museums simply because it’s on one of my lists. I replied that I had already visited a one-room … [Read more...]
Patten District One Room Schoolhouse Museum
Generally Authentic Stafford (Google Maps location) July 2017 There's nothing quite like chasing down tiny little museums an hour away from my house that are only open a few days for a few hours per year. For those of you who don't engage in this worthwhile pursuit, I'm here to tell here there are a lot more of … [Read more...]
Wallop School Museum
When a Wallop was OK Enfield (Google Maps location) June 2017 CT museum visit #358. When your hobby is visiting every museum in Connecticut, you must – wait. Stop. Don’t make this your hobby. People will think you weird. For real. Well, at least get married before you do this like I did. As I was … [Read more...]
Keeney Schoolhouse Museum
Keenish Manchester (Google Maps location) June 9, 2012 As I always do on Connecticut Open House days, I try to get to a few rarely open museums. Earlier in the morning, I made it up to the East Granby Historical Society Museum by myself. Then I went home, collected the family, and drove out to Manchester to … [Read more...]
212. Nathan Hale Schoolhouse (v.NL)
”I Have But One Life to Give – And Two Schoolhouses of Course” New London (Google Maps location) May 21, 2011 I don’t know how many states have “State Heroes,” but I’m glad we do. Or rather, I’m glad Nathan Hale is “ours.” The house of his birth (that, as it turns out, he probably wasn’t born in nor did he … [Read more...]