Son of a Fitch John Fitch Distilling Company, South Windsor October 2022 The Flying Canoe tasting room closed in August 2023, but liquor is still being produced in the building. I can't decide what the most interesting thing about this new-in-'22 distillery is. There are at least five competing ideas in my … [Read more...]
Evergreen Walk Trail
It's a Walk... Walk Evergreen Walk, South Windsor January 2023 Walk enough urban trails around Connecticut and you'll get cynical about these things too. On the one hand, it's great that this and other similar trails exist at all, but on the other hand, I can't help but thinking the only reason they exist is … [Read more...]
Rye Street Park
Hiker in the Rye Rye Street Park, South Windsor October 2020 The trail network at Rye Street Park is ridiculous. They are not real trails planned by a serious trail planner. They are absurd double-backing crackhead trails. In fact, they are so dopey that when I first walked some of one a couple years ago … [Read more...]
South Windsor: Complete!
South Windsor: Complete! The Reds: CaBiN & Onion Here is the CTMQ Guide to South Windsor with my list and stories about everything I've done there! After a decade of writing CTMQ, I decided to try to “complete” towns. In that decade of traveling and writing, I had already done a lot of stuff in many of … [Read more...]
Wood Memorial Gingerbread House Festival
Oh Snap! Wood Memorial Library Gingerbread House Festival, South Windsor November 28, 2014 I have no idea how many gingerbread house festivals there are in Connecticut, let alone New England, but I'm still confident that this one is one of the largest around. How can I be so confident? For one, I stay on … [Read more...]
Frank Niederwerfer Wildlife Sanctuary
You Nied This Place in Your Life South Windsor: Frank Niederwerfer Wildlife Sanctuary ~2 miles, June 2017 There are five trailed properties on my South Windsor town trails list. I had this idea to just bundle them all together when I write them up because really, I think we can agree that South Windsor's town … [Read more...]
Lawrence Road Park
Lawrence, Welp South Windsor: Lawrence Road Park ~0.5 miles, June 2017 There are five trailed properties on my South Windsor town trails list. I had this idea to just bundle them all together when I write them up because really, I think we can agree that South Windsor's town trails aren't exactly clickbait … [Read more...]
Captain John Bissell Trail
Needs More Than a Vacuum Cleaner Windsor, South Windsor, Manchester, & East Hartford, 4.5 miles June 2017 & November 2020 This page was originally just the 1.8 mile path across the Connecticut River. Since that walk, the path has been officially extended to East Hartford where it intersects the Charter Oak … [Read more...]
Nevers Park
Why, I Nevers! South Windsor: Nevers Park ~ 1 mile, June 2017 There are five trailed properties on my South Windsor town trails list. I had this idea to just bundle them all together when I write them up because really, I think we can agree that South Windsor's town trails aren't exactly clickbait … [Read more...]
HAS: Station 43
Ice Station 43 Station 43, South Windsor January 29, 2014 & A year later I wasn't expecting much from this particular wildlife sanctuary along the Connecticut River in South Windsor, so I didn't really allot all that much time for exploring. Turns out, I was sort of right - at least in … [Read more...]