Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola! # 1 Yale vs. Union, New Haven December 4, 2010 2020 Update: I'm not going to change anything below, but please notice the year this was written above. In Connecticut it’s easy to think we have two collegiate sports teams: The UConn men’s and women’s basketball teams. … [Read more...]
NHL: Connecticut Hall
CT National Historic Landmark Connecticut Hall Old Campus, New Haven This building is so old and so special and so important, it doesn’t have a real street address. No matter where I look, it’s address is always simply “Old Campus.” Such is the power of Yale. (If curious, it is in the cluster of Yale buildings … [Read more...]
177. ArtPlace at Yale Physician’s Building
You Need Guts to Go Here… Um, No You Don’t New Haven (Google Maps location) August 4, 2010 No, this isn’t a museum. Not even close. But since I recently opened up my CTMQ definitions to include non-commercial galleries, I’ve been able to check out some interesting and different types of what I still loosely … [Read more...]
171. Urban Museum of Modern Architecture (6 of 7)
When a No-Longer Non-Museum Museum is Still a Museum To Me Seven Buildings, New Haven Various Dates Dec 2010 Update: I received a comment on an old museum page about the modernist Knights of Columbus Museum from a woman representing the New Haven Preservation Trust who says that a survey is being done in 2010 … [Read more...]
Yale University Art Gallery
How great Thou art, How great Thou art! New Haven (Google Maps Location) November 26, 2008 The Yale Art Gallery is a Connecticut Art Trail site The Yale Art Gallery is huge. Too huge for me to even pretend to do it justice here. Put it this way: If you are at least a little bit interested in art - good, … [Read more...]
85. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
You Can't Judge a Book - Or Building - By Its Cover Middletown (Google Maps Location) January 29, 2009 This is going to be annoying having to type Beinecke over and over throughout this post. Why can't cool guys have cool last names like Wood? Whatever this place lacks in the naming department, it more than … [Read more...]
84. Yale University Collection of Musical Instruments
Lyre! Lyre! Clavicytherium on Fire! New Haven (Google Maps Location) January 29, 2009 Yale is an amazing place. It is renowned worldwide for its academics and famous alumni. That's great, but what I care about is the fact that the campus houses tons of museums. In fact, the university has more museums than most … [Read more...]
81. Yale University Art & Architecture Galleries
Brutal... In a Good Way New Haven November 26, 2008 Hoang and I had taken the day before Thanksgiving off months before in order to make the drive to my parent's house in Delaware. Actually, anyone who drives in Megapolis on the day before Thanksgiving is certifiably insane. The plan was to go down on Tuesday, … [Read more...]
The Lewis Walpole Library
Shhh! It's a Secret Library Museum! Farmington (Google Maps Location) September 2008 Connecticut Museum visit #71. My 71st museum marks a milestone: My first "private tours given by appointment only" visit. How exciting! At least now I know I can handle them, as there are many others or so that require such … [Read more...]