This is DEEP, Man (Again)
Connecticut State Parks “The Sky’s the Limit” 2017 Challenge
Back again for another year! Fortunately for you, you don’t have to read any longwinded introduction this year! For that, all you have to do is read what I wrote about the inaugural year’s challenge here.

Calvin at the Beckley Furnace in East Canaan
I’ve made one change to this page: I’ve no longer titled it, “Hiking Challenge,” because quite frankly, many of these don’t require much of a hike at all. And that’s a shame. 2016’s Challenge not only required 13 actual hikes, but also a lot of driving and exploring. The number of completers dipped precipitously from the 2015 total.
Maybe that’s why this year’s is so easy. I don’t really know.
Regardless, we’re back at it for 2017. Between the three of us, we’ve been to most of the Challenge points already. We’ll get to them again, but I may just use previously written pages about the parks or something. We’ll see.
In 2015, Damian and I successfully completed all 14 Challenge climbs (and little Calvin joined us for 11 of them). Please read my TSTL Afterword from 2015. It’s pretty good.
In 2016, both Calvin and Damian nabbed all 14, and it was pretty rad for me as their father.

Hop River Trail, Bolton
2015’s theme was “Towers and Lookouts.” 2016’s was “Water.” The DEEP has changed it up a bit in 2017 and the theme is “Historic Sites.” (Some of which no longer even exist.)
Here’s the DEEP page with the 2017 Challenge parks and maps. They’ve added suggestions to round out your adventures to the Challenge spots, which is a nice touch – and I’d also suggest you poke around a bit more than the Challenge minimally requires.
Might as well get going…
2017 Sky’s the Limit Challenge Locations
1. Stratton Brook State Park (Stratton Brook Depot), Simsbury, February 18
2. Bolton Notch State Park (Hop River Trail), Bolton, February 19
3. Beckley Furnace Industrial Monument, East Canaan, February 26
4. Topsmead State Forest (Barbeque Pit), Litchfield, February 26
5. Bigelow Hollow State Park (Mashapaug Pond), Union, March 4
6. Natchaug State Forest (Nathaniel Lyon Birthplace), Eastford, March 4
7. Indian Well State Park (The Well), Shelton, March 18
8. Air Line State Park, Blackledge River Bridge, Colchester, March 25
9. Haley Farm State Park (Canopy Rock), Groton, April 1
10. Gillette Castle State Park (Gillette Railroad Tunnel), East Haddam, April 8
11. Chatfield Hollow State Park (Oak Lodge Nature Center), Killingworth, July 22
12. Mashamoquet Brook State Park (Wolf Den), Pomfret, August 13
13. Farmington Canal State Park Trail (Lock 12), Cheshire, September 16
14. Putnam Memorial State Park (Officer’s Quarters/Magazine), Redding/Bethel, September 16
CTMQ’s State Parks and Forests Pages
CTMQ’s Hiking Challenges

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