The Sky’s the Limit 2017 Hiking Challenge #10
Gillette Castle State Park, East Haddam & Lyme
April 8, 2017
Lazy/tired/illiterate readers, you’re going to like this page. I don’t really plan on writing too much at all.
Me? Not write way too much?
That’s right. After all, I’ve written about Gillette Castle before. And I’ve written about the trails here. And the tunnel. Heck, I’ve even written about the CT Art Trail Viewpoint.
So really, there’s nothing much more to write! But I did take a billion pictures. One could ask why I felt it necessary to drag my boys back to the park to hike the same hike again. One would be silly to ask. In my book, that’s called cheating and we don’t cheat hiking challenges. Ever.
The Sky’s the Limit folks wrote:
Built between 1914-1919 by actor William Gillette, famous for his role as detective Sherlock Holmes, the “castle” is a whimsical building with a tower and a view of the Connecticut River. On the grounds of the property were a scale railroad, a man-made tunnel, and a ferry landing. Today, visitors can view the historic home, hike the old railroad path, or picnic on the expansive grounds.
This was also our last TSTL Challenge hike prior to a long layoff before nabbing the final four. Enjoy!

We begin

Sad Calvin


Approaching the tunnel

Getting closer

On the inside

Continuing to the end

Confident walker

Still confident

The end of the line

Back to the tunnel

Portal to another realm (Not really. It’s just the tunnel)

Dangerous shortcut

Dangerous and dumb shortcut

“Old man” (his words) walking

Checking out the castle


Train station

Bridge thing

Seven Sisters Railroad


Sigh again

CTMQ’s Guide to Gillette Castle State Park
CTMQ’s 2017 The Sky’s the Limit Challenge
CTMQ’s Hiking Challenges Main Page

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