The Sky’s the Limit 2016 Hiking Challenge #2
Collis P. Huntington State Park, Redding, Bethel, Newtown
February 27, 2016
Most The Sky’s the Limit Challenge points allow those seeking them a few different trail choices in obtaining them. For instance, if I was doing this thing myself, I’d be fully exploring the state parks they are in, hiking miles each time.

The wolves at the main gate
However, I’m doing them with my sons – and it’s sort of cold in February – so for the first two anyway, we’re pretty much taking the shortest possible routes. This will change when it gets warmer.
So says mean ol’ dad anyway.
Huntington State Park spans three towns: Bethel, Newtown, and Redding. For our hike, we were entirely within Redding. The requirements to complete this one include a picture at the main park entrance gate and one at the “East Lagoon.” Parking at the main gate would afford you a 1.8 mile or so round trip.
Of course, you could take any number of longer routes – and you should. Huntington State Park is really cool.

The beginning of the hike.
OR, you could park at the “other” lot off of Sunset Hill Road, pop in and out to the lagoon (half a mile total, maybe), and then drive down to the park gate for your other picture. That’s what we did.
And somehow, the whole thing still took nearly an hour.
The little lot on Old Dodgingtown Road is pretty tight, especially when it’s filled to capacity as it was when I was there. We seemed to be the only visitors without dogs or mountain bikes.

And some people with dogs were on horseback
Then my four-year-old decided he had to use the composting outhouse toilet. He enjoyed the experience and likened it to “pooping in a garbage can!”
Okay, then. Let’s hike
We merely had to descend a little hill along a woods road, pass by some ponds, take a picture, and return back to the car. Simple, right?
Should have been. What will be simple is the remainder of this page – for you and for me.

Calvin, rightly fascinated with a tree “growin’ outta a rock!”

The first frozen pond. We stopped here to throw sticks and rocks onto the ice for a good 10 minutes

First bridge

Second bridge

Oh look. A nice open space. Nothing could go wrong! There’s only one tiny little slippery mud patch…

Sigh. Calvin was distraught about this. He was concerned about being dirty. And an hour later, he was concerned about getting the restaurant’s chairs dirty. I love this kid for that, but had no sympathy for his slip…

… But Damian did. For a special needs kid who has such violent tendencies, his empathy is off the charts. This was a very real hug. This is the side of SMS that doesn’t make the press.

Moving on, a little patch of ice. No big deal. Nothing could happen here…

Seriously? This time, Damian had the proper response…

Okay, now let’s go take our required picture by the “East Lagoon”. I’ll help Damian across the ice (he was paralyzed and not moving) and Calvin, you stand there and DON’T STEP OUT ON THE ICE.”

And Calvin was very sad that I had yelled at him for doing EXACTLY what I told him not to do. #Parenting
Sigh. Again.
We made our way back to the car, Calvin, worried to death about his dirty pants and coat all the while. We stopped at every frozen pond so they could throw more rocks and sticks across the ice. Never underestimate the joy kids can get from such things.
Two women passed us and one asked, “Do you know the way to the bears and wolves” like that was a normal question. Her friend admonished her for asking such a randomly odd question. Of course, I knew the phrasing came from the Sky’s the Limit Challenge, but didn’t say anything. Well, other than pointing them up the correct trail.
(For more on the sculptures and the woman who created them, go here!)
There have been other Challenge completers out on both of our adventures so far, which is already more than we saw all of last year.
And that, my friends, was that. Two down, twelve to go!
CTMQ’s 2016 The Sky’s the Limit Challenge
DEEP’s 2016 The Sky’s the Limit Challenge
CTMQ’s Hiking Challenges Main Page

Thank you for sharing this adventure..the mud and the hugs.
Fun to read this. Love the photo-essay. Thanks!