The Sky’s the Limit 2015 Hiking Challenge #4
Southford Falls State Park Watchtower
May 30, 2015
Yes, another full family adventure! I love when Hoang joins us on our little jaunts in the woods. As with the previous three TSTL Challenge spots, I’d already done this hike. In fact, I point to the Southford Falls hike as the first time Damian made me proud on a hike. He was five at that time, and it was the first time he walked for more than a few minutes on a real trail. Sure, I recall carrying him up almost the entire way, but he did walk probably a quarter mile that day, and I was ecstatic. (That day is immortalized in the links below the pictures.)

Chillin’ at the Pond
Southford Falls is a nice little park in Southbury and Oxford. There’s a waterfall, a little covered bridge, trails, a fishing pond, and of course the observation tower we came here for. The hike up to the tower requires a little bit of effort, but if you complain, keep in mind that my 4-year-old and my special needs kid did it. The trails were poorly marked during our May visit, but hopefully that has been fixed. There are a few trail splits with no signage, and the map wasn’t exactly super accurate. But I guessed correctly at each decision point and we made it to the tower without issue.
Disappointing! The views were nearly completely obstructed by foliage that had grown up since my visit with Damian 4 years prior. This was the first rickety tower the boys experienced, and surprisingly, both managed it well. In theory, both could fall through the railings and die, but both were safe and careful. Even Hoang was okay with us all up on top… to look at treetops. Oh well, it didn’t really matter, as the hike down afforded us a few “precious moments.” My giving Calvin an inchworm that he fell in love with followed by Calvin getting vvery sad about having to say goodbye to it – and then Damian offering comfort. That’s what it’s all about, right?
For some good pictures of Damian and what the view looks like without trees, be sure to check out the links below the pictures.

Once again, Damian refused to be part of the “official” picture with the crest sign.

Away we go…

… Up…

… and up…

… And finally, up the tower itself. These types of stairs are pretty terrifying for Damian, but he did it!

Calvin looking mischievous as his brother approaches the viewing platform.

Everyone made it up! Now for the view…

… Or not.

Calvin’s buddy!

He inched his way into Calvin’s heart.

But then he had to sadly say farewell. Tears and everything.

Fortunately, his brother was there to provide comfort.

Then we looked at the falls and pond again.

And these two yahoos tried to look cool.
CTMQ’s Sky’s the Limit Challenge Page
DEEP’s Sky’s the Limit Challenge Page
CTMQ’s page on the Southford Falls Watchtower
CTMQ’s page on the actual Southford Falls
CTMQ’s page on Southford Falls State Park

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