Be Careful, Blind People
Union Park, Manchester
December 2016
When I decided to visit and write-up “everything” in Connecticut’s 169 towns, the one area I wavered on was these little “town land trails.” I still don’t really know where to draw the line to be honest with you.
I’ve sort of settled on, “If the town claims there are ‘walking trails’ I’ll at least check it out” and slap together a quick little page on the place. And since Manchester took the time to make a rather nice and comprehensive website about their trails, I’ll return the favor.
Union Park is a tiny little thing on the south end of Union Pond. You can fish there, though word is that if you even think about eating a Union Pond fish you’ll contract some dread disease.
There’s a little circular trail with a bunch of informative signage along the way.
Actual, interesting stuff, believe it or not. And if you’re blind, you can enjoy your walk around Union Park. Just don’t fall in the pond or you’ll contract some dread disease.
Or maybe you’ll regain your sight? I don’t know. What I’m trying to say is that Union Pond has collected centuries of industrial waste.
The Hockanum River Union Pond Trail circumnavigates Union Pond and is quite interesting in its own right. If you decide to make that trek, you’ll also go through Manchester’s Northwest Park.
Which is equally as nice, but with about as much to write about as this place. Which, as you now know, is not all that much.
Manchester Trails
CTMQ’s Manchester Town Land Trails Main Page

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