A Wads Worth of Poo
Wadsworth Falls Covered Bridge, Middletown
November 2023
You don’t visit Wadsworth Falls State Park for the covered bridge. You visit it for the falls. Or the pond. Or the trails. Heck, you probably don’t even notice the little covered bridge near the main parking lot in Middletown.
But I do. Because that’s who I am. That’s what I do. I seek out every covered bridge in Connecticut because some guy made an intensely comprehensive list of them all. And you know what happens to me when I find a comprehensive list of things in Connecticut. I complete it.
The problem with my particular mentality is that I’m sometimes left with a bright white page upon which I must type a bunch of words when there’s really nothing more to say than, “there’s a cute little covered bridge at Wadsworth Falls State Park.” It’s 18 feet long and it was built in 1976. It is of the Stringer type. It’s a nice bridge.
And I’m sure visitors take care to keep the area around it nice, right? Heck, the state even provides a giant sign and bags and a depository for you if your dog does its business here. Knowing this, I can’t imagine any visitor would have any excuse to let their dog do their business and just leave the evidence for anyone that happens by to check out the cute little covered bridge to step in it.
People are lame. I bet that dog was even like, “bro? Really? What is wrong with you?”
Anyway, yeah. There’s a cute little covered bridge near the main entrance to Wadsworth Falls State Park. Just watch your step.
CTMQ’s Covered Bridges
DEEP’s Wadsworth Falls State Park
CTMQ’s Wadsworth Falls State Park

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