Windham’s Town Trails
If you’ve found yourself on this page and are wondering, “I wonder if this website has a page for all 169 towns’ trails,” I’m pleased to tell you that yes… yes it does. This is an amazing website. More amazing is that each towns’ listing is probably very accurate. However, every now and then there are towns and/or entities that make this difficult.
Enter Windham and the Willimantic River Alliance. The WRA is some sort of organization that has a website and lists a bunch of trails and places that may or may not have trails. Most of the ones in Windham are, I think, Windham owned parks and parcels. Who knows. I don’t… but I’ve combined them on this page just because that’s what I do and it’s not like anyone out there cares enough to stop me.
My Windham Town Hikes:
Willimantic River Trail
Willimantic Whitewater Park
Windham Mills State Heritage Park
Windham Garden on the Bridge
Recreation Park
CTMQ’s Guide to Windham
Various maps of Windham
CTMQ’s Town Owned Land Trails Page
Willimantic River Alliance

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